Friday, August 31, 2012

Myanmar Government

Myanmar Government is making a very big changes in its Cabinet.After appointed Vice President,two union-ministers and one Auditor-General are allowed to retire,nine union-ministers and fifteen deputy ministers are changed.
Myanmar President U Thein Sein will attend UN General Assembly in September.
Myanmar Government is enforcing to Market Economy System.
Japanese Investors are looking forward to invest in Myanmar.Their steps are very advancing.JICA is taking a role in Myanmar.
Foreign Banks are starting to enter Myanmar Banking field.
Changing portfolio of Myanmar Cabinet is changing the administration and economic system  in democratic way.
But setback is occurred,that is the battles in Kachin State.
Let's see our staple food.
RICE        Thousand Metric Tons                    US$ Million

2008-2009         666.4                               198,2
2009-2010         818.1                               254.2
2010-2011         536.4                               198.1
2011-2012         707.2                               267.2
2012-2013         197.0                               65.7 (April-May-June)
YELLOW MAIZE   Thousand Metric Tons           US$ Million
2008-2009          120.2                              26.4
2009-10               10.4                                2.1
2010-2011            44.8                              11.2
2011-2012           166.5                              46.6
2012-2013               9.9                                2.8 (April-May-June)
We can see the progress in new Government.
We hope for good business in Myanmar soon.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Myanma Agriculture Aspects

Naturally,investment in the agriculture is uncertain to gain profits as it is depending on the weather.But,as the world has seen bigger problem of food security,some big companies are interested doing investment in the sector despite risks its.
Meanwhile,the agriculture sector of Myanmar is cheered as the Window to the World as the country possesses favourable conditions to be able to reclaim its status of the world's biggest rice exporter in the 1960s.
Myanmar is an agro-based country and has about 8 million hectres of virgin land and the big river such as the Ayeyawady,Sittoung,the Thanlwin and the Chindwin are flowing in the country.It is the greatest asset of Myanmar.
(Now) the agricultural sector of Myanmar is attractive because of the chance of applying new technology,and mechanization improving the productivity and all this will have to be done in next five years in this country.The chance is now better,improved,higher quality agriculture.
To improve the agricultural sector,the key word is growing quality strains of crops and mechanized farming.At the same time,to improve the socio-economic status of the farmers,emphasis should also be placed on establishing cooperatives of farmers to be able to distribute quality seeds,fertilizers,pesticides and running micro-credit scheme smoothly.
Therefore,Myanmar Rice Industry Association formed on 26th August 2012 Myanmar Agri-business  Public Corporation Limited successfully.
The objectives,goals & aims are to stand successfully as the most vibrant,dynamic and profitable public corporation in Myanmar.
 To develop and sustain agribusiness activities so as  to ensure prosperity for all stakeholders in the interests of national food security and rapid economic development.
To implement private sector led development in agriculture and agrobased industries.
To develop and improve infrastructure and logistics with regard to economic development of Myanmar.
To be a market leader in Myanmar and in global marketplace.
Therefore,we have to watch MAPCO that it can be vanguard of agriculture and agribusiness sector.

Sunday, August 26, 2012



The Economic System

The economic system of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is market economic system.

The Constitution states that the Union shall:

(a) permit all economic forces such as the State,regional organization,co-operatives,joint-ventures,private individual,so forth,to take part in  economic activities for the development of National economy;

(b) protect and prevent acts that injue public interests throgh monopolization or manipulation of prices by an individual or group with intent to endangerfair competition in economic activities;

(c) strive to improve the livcing standards of the people and development of investments;

(d) not nationalize economic enterprises;

(e) not demonetize the currency legally in circulation.

Agriculture is main job of Myanmar.Agricultural development is the essential role to development of rural and urban.establishment of quality agricultural zones with a shift to quality grains suited to local climate and land,and nsetting up model township for agricultural development and poverty alleviation scheme.

President U Thein Sein exhorted that they were to lend helping hand to local people who are in difficulties for a while due to flood.The government and people collaborated to fight for challenges.

Now flood is swoop for the whole country.We have to lend a hand to local people.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Market-oriented Economy

Myanmar is now entering a new phase of Democracy.Myanmar choose Market-oriented Economy System.
It is declared in the Constitution of Myanmar.Myanmar welcome all investment from abroad.However,the investments from abroad are at a very slow pace.Myanmar  is a child in this field.Myanmar has to follow the
steps of ASEAN members Singapore and Malaysia.Singapore and Malaysia are on the lead now.

New Economy

New Economy of Myanmar

Myanmar entered the new phase of Democracy.Myanmar choose Market Oriented Economy.It is declared in the Constitution of Myanmar.Myanmar is a child in this field.In ASEAN countries Singapore and Malaysia are leaders.However Myanmar asked for Foreign Investments.But it is delayed due to US Sanction.
So we ask for release of US Sanction.